Here is a list with all the features the biggest and longest playing Community wants for COD2014:
- No more Ghillie Suits.
- No more Target Finder and Thermal Sight Attachments.
- Sniping should become a skill again, no more noobfriendly too easy quickscoping.
- No more Support Streaks.
- A Objective Encouraging Killstreak System.
- Fun to use Killstreaks, think about player-controlled Killstreaks.
- Keep the Classic Gamemodes. (TDM, Domination, Demolition, SnD, CTF, FFA, KC, Headquaters)
- Less Perks, we don't need 35 perks.
- A balanced perksystem, an anti-UAV perk should only work while moving. ( we don't want 3 perks to be the best like in BO2: Lightweight, toughness, dexterity).
- No perks like Danger Close and One Man Army.
- A good amount and variety in weapons, bring back some favorites but also add awesome new ones!
- Don't make the game too noobfriendly! Practicing to become a better player is way more fun and keeps the game longer alive. A game should require some skill.
- Classic 3-lane designed Small/Medium Maps.
- A good competitive playlist like League Play.
- No bullshit equipment like an IED or motion sensor.
- A very good weapon balance, each weapon should have their own pros and cons.
- Dedicated Servers.
- No Tactical Insertions.
- Remove the Satcom and bring back the UAV.