How To Play Call of Duty: Ghosts on PS4
1. Turn on PS4.
2. Load Ghosts.
3. Wait at "Fetching Online Profile" screen.
4. Eventually receive the "Error Code: 4096" screen.
5. Restart PS4 console.
Repeat Steps 2-5 numerous times.
With patience and luck, you can now play CoD: Ghosts! Enjoy Infinity Wards latest broken game.
In all seriousness, when, if ever, are we going to receive a patch to fix the extremely annoying 4096 error?! I'm sick of having to restart the console and game numerous times before I can finally play. Its another thing on the long ass list of things broken with this stupid game. I enjoyed the game when it first came out, but it seems to be getting worse as time goes on instead of improving.