@Hawk: I'm glad to be able to have some money coming in now, but it's also nice to vent a bit and let myself be annoyed at the economy and stuff before I move on and do the whole responsible adult thing. I'm definitely glad I went to college, since I feel like I learned a whole lot of useful stuff while I was there, even if it isn't that helpful in finding a job. There's other things in life besides work, after all. Anyway, it's not like I went into interviews and said, "My GPA is super high, so you need to hire me!" (though I guess my way of interviewing didn't work, so maybe I should've tried it! haha). I knew most companies don't really care how you did in school, but I still think it makes no sense that they don't care about it. Doing well in school shows a lot of important stuff for any job. There's the obvious part that a high GPA usually means someone is gonna be a fast learner and all that, but it also shows how reliable you are in always meeting deadlines and staying organized to do all that. Someone who just scrapes by often did that because they weren't getting things done on time or were lazy through college (not always true, since some people have crazy things going on with their lives outside of school, but you really do see a lot of lazy college students who just choose to skip class or not finish big assignments). Who wants to hire someone who has always been lazy and late with work? If a past supervisor said that about you, no one would ever hire you, but your college performance can say the same thing and employers ignore it. A lot of things out there don't make sense, I guess. Like how people continue to ignore the existence of Big Foot. Nonsense! haha, though it seems like the main problem I've been having is that I've been going up against people who have experience, since it seems like at a lot of interviews I went to, I was told that I had less experience than most other people they were interviewing. They were all entry-level jobs, but that's what happens when people with experience have a tough time getting good jobs. They end up having to take a lower-level job that a recent graduate would normally be able to get. Most people I know from my school that graduated recently haven't found any jobs like that, either. They're all working at retail stores or restaurants. Of course, we're probably pushing other people out of jobs that would normally get these jobs, so things aren't going great for a lot of people, in terms of jobs. Anyway, there's my rant. I forgot how fun a good rant could be. Or maybe it was a bad rant. I need to get an official rant reviewer in to score it for me.
You should be thankful it didn't work! haha, I thought that game was so boring. I haven't done any of the AI events yet. Do they scale to your level, or are they generally higher-level stuff?
It depends on which condiments are on the giant hotdog. It would win with ketchup or mustard, but it would lose with sauerkraut. Yeah, I think it was Fisherman's Horizon, actually. I could just be thinking that because you'd think people would fish there, though. Either way, they got back together and lived happily ever after...
They just scale with Yuna, though you can use some items to boost their stats or teach them new abilities. You don't really need to do those things for them to be crazy strong, though. There's a few especially strong spells to draw that are pretty rare (like Aura and Meltdown), so it's possible you just missed a few of the super powerful ones. I pretty rarely use spells, either, since it takes away from my perfect maxed spells for junctioning! Yes, I get kinda obsessive about it. Everyone knows they stuff pillows with alligator teeth. All those tales about feathers in pillows are lies!
@Iron: "First bestseller?" haha, I like the way you think, Iron! But, my mom has actually worked at Target for about a million years, so I always hear all the stories about how Target's a good company to work for. That's why they were one of the first retail places I applied at.