@Hawk: I'm shocked. You never buy Hawkeye shirts! And on the rare occasion that you do, you're always totally unenthusiastic about them! haha, sounds like some cool ones, though. I still don't really have any comic-related clothes at all. That probably shouldn't be surprising, considering the fact that I probably haven't bought new clothes besides socks in a couple years. Of course, I bet they make Avengers socks...
I ended up watching it, too! It was pretty cool, even if I already knew a lot of the stuff they talked about. There were some cool insights to the movies, though, and the concept art at the end was pretty cool. They did a pretty good job with Quicksilver, and the Hulkbuster is awesome as always. I wasn't exactly blown away by Wanda's look, either. I'd rather see something like her Uncanny Avengers costume. Seems like that'd be a simple and down-to-earth costume that would still be classic Wanda.
Nobody remembers Clint being a competent leader, Hawk! It's all about getting beat up by tracksuit losers and giving pizza to dogs! You're just imagining all that time he led the Thunderbolts.
I'm almost done with the sequel now, too, I think! It looks like I only got the final dungeon left, though they are known to try to throw you off by building up to fake final battles. After that I'll be ready to start the remake of FFX, though. I'll be picking it up on Friday, so that'll be pretty cool. X is one of my favorite Final Fantasy games, and I've still never played X-2, so this will give me a good reason to finally play it. To make it even better, it's the international edition version of X, which means it has all kinds of bonus stuff that's not in the original version.
How is PS Plus on the PS4 anyway? Sounds like you get tons of free games on it like on the PS3. I've heard Don't Starve is supposed to be really good, though I haven't played it. It kinda reminds me of the old Oregon Trail game, actually, except without the traveling part. It's probably a lot deeper than Oregon Trail was, of course.
@Iron: Yeah, Flash and Hawkgirl are probably two of my favorites so far. And Batman, of course. It's Batman, though, so that almost goes without saying.