Hello, I am the leader of a BRAND NEW clan. I know when you see brand new your like i don't want to do that, i'm trying to get together a group of dedicated people that love to play cod before this next clan wars.What i have to say completely is very long and would rather tell you in person.(over the mic) so basically I have been in all the clan wars except for 1. i have great stratagy and would love to hear your thoughts. unlike the previous clans i have been in that you join and are close knit already. now you have a chance to be a part of what i call a family. and that is basically what we are when we game. for now i dont care what your stats are... as long as you are dedicated. if you are interested then go ahead and shoot me a friend request, My gamer tag is CA-born. or for faster contact text me at 614-530-1735614-530-1735, or you can always post a reply bellow.
thank you for your time,