Yup, that's exactly what I'm getting too. I did a bit of poking around and have found a number of other posts referring to this problem - including PC and XB users - and all saying that it started with the Onslaught download.
SavageHam, could you please bounce this on to the development team:
FACT: This issue was introduced with the Onslaught map pack and/or update file. It obviously didn't exist before this time and so is clearly NOT a file corruption, connection or region issue, so can this please be escalated back to the developers to correct their coding
FACT: It's not confined to a few PS4 users, it's across the entire platform range as VirilePenguin has identified and as shown in other support posts on this forum relating to this issue. Again, this clearly IDs it a coding error.
FACT: A lot of people prefer to play Squads over playing online for many, many reasons so the problem should be given the priority it deserves.
This is a significant issue, so could you please provide some feedback on where we are with this?
Thanks for your help.